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plywood factory in Yamunanagar

The material used for the plywood and the manufacturing process did not involve any compromises. Plywood was a priced commodity previously, as only a few high-quality brands were available. But with increasing demand, substandard plywood suppliers have been entering the market. Hence, homeowners are suggested to educate themselves on the best plywood brands and have basic knowledge about the best plywood factory in Yamunanagar to avoid getting cheated by the vendors.

Know the material before buying.

Suppose you are looking to buy Marine plywood and are unaware of its appearance and quality. In that case, an unethical supplier can sell you commercial plywood in the name of Marine plywood and may even double the price of the standard plywood, which can get decayed or ruined faster. This will eventually lead you to throw away the product early, even after paying double the price for the commercial plywood. Also, the cost involved in remaking the product can get expensive. Hence, you must have basic knowledge about the plywood types, various grades, and the best plywood factory in Yamunanagar.

Different plywood grades

Today, plywood is made from various veneer species like Maple, Rubber, Mahogany, Gurjan, Cherry, etc. However, you can have an alternate or combination of two veneer plywood. Such a variety of grades and brands may confuse even professionals while buying. Moreover, low-quality plywood is also given a finish and colour similar to higher-grade plywood, making it all the more difficult to identify the authenticity and quality of the plywood grades, even for professionals from the same field. Also, certain commercial plywood is available without or with dipping, a process used to colour the plywood. If it is with dipping, it can become difficult to know the actual grade and quality of the plywood.

Compromises made by the dealers

Brands may offer schemes and discounts that the buyers may not be aware of. In this case, the dishonest suppliers may sell the plywood at the original cost just to skim the margins and may also resort to unethical selling of lower-grade plywood to customers, thus taking advantage of the lack of awareness. After buying such plywood it can get even tougher to know the grade of plywood if the carpenter starts working on it immediately. Hence, buyers must learn the basics of identifying the different plywood grades.

So when looking for the best plywood, you must be smart enough and aware of the different brands and variants available. Also, remember that plywood manufactured by top brands will always be of the best quality. But this may not be true since the turnover of these brands is quite high, which means that their manufacturing process may not be done in-house. These companies will usually outsource their plywood manufacturing needs from countries like China, which may compromise the quality of the product.  

The bottom line

Most buyers get cheated with the grade or type of plywood they want. Estimates have shown that fewer buyers receive the grade of plywood that they are actually looking for. And if they receive the right product, they may pay double the price. Therefore, buyers must know about the basics when buying plywood.

Featured Image Source: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2015/07/13/11/41/timber-843056_1280.jpg

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